Albury News


11 December 1857

The Telegraph.-The wires are now adjusted beyond Boyle's restaurant; and it is expected that the "wire- men" will reach the bank of the river this evening.

A it will be fully seven or eight months before the Sydney Government will place us in a position to avail ourselves of 'this wire, by furnishing the necessary instruments and bringing the line across the river, it has been suggested that the public in this quarter should subscribe the small sum required for that purpose (about £70), in order that the Victorian contractors might complete the telegraph to Albury.

The Athenaeum rooms could be used as a temporary station, and would form a very convenient one.

Considering the great benefits of telegraph communication, it certainly does appear hard that the people of Albury should, be shut out from the use of the wires, when by carrying the line some 300 yards further, it could be brought into the town; but the chief obstacle to the accomplishment of the affair by subscription is the lack of the services of a station clerk.

We think some representation should be made to the Sydney Government on this subject, for Albury being situated on the borders, has been neglected by both Governments.

The British border towns have important privileges secured to them, but the Australian boundary townships are allowed to "fall between two stools."

Gored By A Bullock.- Early in the week an old man named Abraham, about 70 years of age, was gored in the face and about the body, by a stray bullock on Mr. Calder's station.

The poor man lies in a very dangerous state, two of his ribs being broken.

The animal, which is a straggler from a herd travelling to Melbourne has also attacked two other persons.

Hume Testimonial.-We are glad to learn that the movement for raising a public recognition of the services of Mr, Hamilton Hume, the discoverer of the Hume River, is not to be allowed to lapse.

Mr. Robert Brown, of Collindina, is busy collecting subscriptions for this object; and so confident is that gentleman of the support of the public, that he has taken upon himself the responsibility of ordering a marble tablet or pedestal of one of the most experienced stone-cutters in Melbourne.

The monument, which will bear a suitable inscription, is to be surmounted with a neat iron railing, and will be erected on the spot where Mr. Hume carved his name on the tree since destroyed. The cost is calculated at about £200.

We trust Mr. Hume may yet live to see this slight memorial of his important public services as an explorer.

Result of Sales.- During the week, Mr. Solomon has sold by auction the Punt Paddock of11a. 3r. 10p. for the extraordinary sum of £290.

Horses have realised good prices, several unbroken colts having fetched £12 and £15 each.

Draught horses have fetched £30, £33, and even £56.

A large stock of glassware and crockery sold affair prices.

(From the Border Post, December 5.)