Crop Reports

25 December 1869 Sydney Mail 

From the Tumut, the correspondent of the Gundagai Times writes on the 15th instant:-

The harvest may be said to be fairly ret in in this locality, and during the last few days various inquiries   have been made for reapers; who this year seem scarce. 

The price for reaping at present is from 12s. to 20s. per acre in this locality. 

Under date the 13th instant, the correspondent of the Albury Banner writes from the Ten Mile Creek:-

Reaping has commenced, the late hot weather bringing the crops on very rapidly. Red rust has made its appearance in a few places, but it has done no damage whatever, the head of the wheat being well filled and the sample good.

The strippers will commence operations, the wheat having to be thoroughly dry before they commence to work. 

Reporting on the weather at Wagga Wagga, the Express of the 18th says:- 

The heat during the past few days has been terrific.

On Wednesday, in what was supposed to be the cool shade of a verandah, the thermometer marked no less than 113', and on the following day it ran again to within two degrees of the same point.

In the sun we observed a glass one time standing at 144', and we understand that a still higher degree even than this has been registered.

On Thursday evening the temperature cooled down consider ably, end yesterday was a comparatively mild and delightful day.

The great and continued heat of the weather has rendered the grass as inflammable as tinder, and caused great apprehensions on the score of bush fires