Double Value For Native Vegetation

September 24, 1999 The Rural News

Native vegetation doesn't recognize property boundaries, and in a move to improve the largest patch of remnant vegetation in the Ariah Park district, neither do neighbours John Davey and Terry Hadrill.

Together the pair has fenced out 95 hectares of high conservation value country with money from the Department of Land and Water Conservation's Native Vegetation Incentive Fund.

John Davey started seriously thinking about preserving the bushland on his 540 ha property, Kurrajong Hills, five years ago, fencing a small area with help from a Greening Australia grant.

"I always felt there is no real economic reason I should do it (fence out bushland) as far as benefiting the business of the farm," Mr Davey said.

"But at the same time I could see it would be a tremendous thing to do."

Mr Hadrill's reasoning was similar, seeing little economic production from his area of remnant vegetation on his 1300 ha property Rockdale, but recognizing its value as an attractive and diverse block.

Longtime catchment manager at Temora with the Department of Land and Water Conservation. Jim Salmon, said the combined block is the largest area of native vegetation in the Ariah Park region with the exception of State Forest owned land.

"The way Terry and Jim have worked together to protect this significant area of vegetation is tremendous," he said.

"While the government has provided funds for fencing, Terry and Jim have also contributed a considerable amount of time and money into the project."