East Blowering for Sale

The Sydney Morning Herald

14 May 1888

E.G. Brown has received instructions from Joseph Lambert, Esq., to sell by public auction, at the Commercial Hotel, Tumut, on Saturday, 2nd June at 2 o'clock, that well-known pastoral property, East Blowering, situated 12 miles from the town of Tumut, and has frontage to the Tumut River.

There are 188 acres 1 rood 30 perches freehold 4773 acres 3 roods C. P.; 4920 acres leasehold area; 5589 acres resumed area.

The whole of the land is highly improved, fenced, and subdivided, all sheep proof.

The land is suitable for cattle and sheep, and the rich river flats are invaluable for agriculture, and can be leased at high rents for maize and tobacco.

There is a comfortable residence, woolshed, stable, &c., erected on the land.

The auctioneer would remind intending purchasers that there is almost a certainty of the railway being extended from Gundagai to Tumut, which will greatly enhance the value of all properties in the district, and would invite inspection before the day of sale.

Possession can be given at once.

Terms - half cash and balance at one and two years, bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent.

1000 sheep. 200 mixed cattle and 60 horses will be sold separately.

For further particulars apply to the auctioneer.