Hamilton Hume, Proposed Memorial at Albury

The Sydney Morning Herald

15 June 1909

At the recent festivities held to celebrate the jubilee of the Albury municipality, a suggestion was thrown out to the effect that the anniversary was an appropriate occasion to arrange for the commemoration of the great work done by the explorer, Hamilton Hume.

So far all that has been done in this direction is represented by a small monument erected some -10 years ago on the bank of the Murray, near the spot at which Hume first crossed the river in 1829, and subsequently removed to the Botanic Gardens.

Having regard to the vast developments that have followed the pioneering work of Hume in south-western New South Wales and in Victoria since the days of his memorable trip.

It Is held by many that the time has arrived for some substantial recognition of his energy, daring, and enterprise; and, no doubt, if the matter were left entirely to local residents, the result would not be wholly unsatisfactory.

It has, however, been suggested that with the federation of the States, the movement is one calling for encouragement and support at the hands of the Commonwealth.

No definite action has yet been taken, nor indeed has any particular idea been formed regarding the nature of the memorial, which must, of course, necessarily depend upon the amount available for the purpose.

It has, however, been suggested that a bronze or marble statue of Hume placed in the centre of the town would be an appropriate tribute, and that the Commonwealth or, at all events the State Parliament- should be asked to contribute to the cost.