Historical Tumut

The Tumut Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser

7 December 1909

In our issue of the 14th inst, we purpose giving our numerous readers a historical account of Tumut, from the days when the dusky denizens of the then wild bush roamed the forest wild and speared and scattered the cattle of the adventurous pioneers, who underwent vicissitudes the resident of today may thank himself are not in evidence now; when tracks followed were in their primitive state, flour they had to grind themselves, corned beef and damper was the menu for each meal with perhaps a pot of "hominy " (corn meal ground and sifted) to fill up interstices on the Sunday.

But in those days, as in Robinson Crusoe's time,

The sound of the church going bell

These valleys nor rocks never heard;  

Never sighed at the sound of a knell

Or smiled when a Sabbath appeared.

The scene has changed since then, and we still endeavour to show that Tumut, since the time it was peopled, has never gone back like other places, and (though matters seem quiet at the present time) it must from its geographical position, its unrivalled water supply, the hitherto unharnessed power it possesses for generating electricity, combined with its mineral and agricultural wealth, the unrivalled beauties of its scenery on every hand, its plenteous trout streams, the wondrous Yarrangobilly Caves, hot springs, and good roads now everywhere, make it worthy of being termed par excellence the Elysium of the South.