Murray Cod Season Now Closed

September 3, 1999 The Rural News

NSW Fisheries has issued a general reminder to freshwater anglers that the three month closed season for taking Murray Cod commenced September 1, 1999 and will be in force until December 1, 1999.

"The closed season is very important to the Murray Cod population as it provides protection during the spawning period," the director of NSW Fisheries, Dr John Glaister, said.

"Murray Cod occur throughout the Murray Darling system and are much sought after by anglers.

"They are Australia's largest freshwater native fish and can reach 1.8 metres in length and weight up to 100 kg.

"The closure covers all inland waters for the entire period." Dr Glaister added.

"The Trout Cod, which is a close relative of the Murray Cod remains totally protected all year round.

"The Trout Cod protection area on the Murray River between Yarrawonga Weir and Tocumwal Road bridges is closed to all forms of fishing during this closure period.

"The State fishing laws are designed to protect, conserve and improve our fish resources and heavy penalties can apply for off offenses.

"Anyone who is unsure of the law, or requires further information, should contact their nearest NSW Fisheries office before going fishing.