Opening of Tumut
Cottage Hospital 20 October
1900 Australian Town and Country Journal |
Tumut Cottage Hospital was recently opened by the Colonial Secretary, Mr.
See, who was presented with a silver key for the occasion by Mr.
Donaldson, member for the district. About
a thousand persons witnessed the ceremony. The building,
which is situated in ten acres of ground, is of brick, and was built by
Messrs. Bruce and Williams, of Wagga, from designs based on the rules of
modern sanitation, and prepared by Mr. A. E. T. Winn, of Sydney. It
contains two wards (each holding five beds), an operating room, and matron's
and-nurses' quarters, well furnished, by the agency of money collected on
Mafeking Day, an event which is perpetuated by a Baden-powell ward. The
kitchen and pantry were furnished by a number of ladies. Mr. Donaldson,
M.L.A., is the president of the institution, Mr. J. Weeden
(Mayor of Tumut) is treasurer, and Mr. N. Emanuel is hon. secretary, and
Nurse Victoria Massey is matron. On
the opening day, the treasurer stated that the committee had received. £1620
12s 3d, of which £1475 9s 3d had been expended on the building, leaving
a balance of £154. There
was due a Government, subsidy of £212, and about £50 had to come in, as
the receipts of a ball recently held in aid of the funds. The
building was absolutely free from debt. Six
little girls - Alice Woodall, Gertie Kinrea, Lilian Weeden, Bona Weeden, Ethel
Bell, and Fanny Sheahan - who were conspicuously
successful in collecting money on Mafeking Day, were each presented with
a gold brooch by the Colonial Secretary, on behalf of the hospital
committee, in honor of the occasion. A
collection was also taken up on the ground, which resulted in £7 being obtained
in the boxes, fifty-two subscribers of £l each, and contributions from
Chinese residents £27 10s, or a total of £86. It
may be added that the hospital is built on a high hill, 1000ft above the sea level,
and commanding a beautiful view. Below
is the pretty township of Tumut, with willow-fringed reaches of the river
showing here and there, and broad thoroughfares shaded with magnificent
elm trees. Beyond are the spurs of the Bogong, rising tier upon tier. Probably,
no similar institution in the colony occupies such a unique and charming
site. |