Proposed Village of Camden

14 February 1840 The Sydney Herald 

We have been gratified by the inspection of a design for the proposed Village of Camden, the site for which has been most eligibly chosen on the Table Land which overlooks the Nepean River, immediately in the vicinity of the Cowpasture Bridge, on the present line of the Razor Back Road.

On the greatest elevation of the adjacent hills, it is pro- posed to erect a Church, the situation of which will be highly picturesque and commanding, and in the plain below, nearest to the new line of road, traversing the intended Village, the wealthy proprietors will forthwith commence the erection of a first-rate commodious hotel, fit for the reception of respectable families and travellers - an acquisition of the greatest importance to this part of the Country.

The village allotments, one hundred in number, each contains half an acre, and they will be well suited for the erection of cottages and dwellings for resident mechanics and working tradesmen, for whose services, in this district, there is always ample remuneration. 

The Nepean River winds round the segment of a circle, within which the site of the village has been chosen, so that fresh water in the greatest abundance will be equidistant from each section; and wood, for fuel, is also to be procured in abundance in the immediate vicinity.

Every consideration of salubrity and convenience appears, in short, to be combined in the choice of the situation which has been made, whilst the beauty of this part of the country and its well-known fertility cannot fail to impart additional value to these village allotments, whenever brought forward for sale, which, we understand, will shortly be the case.