Sticking Up at Bombolee

21 June 1866 The Tumut and Adelong Times

In April last a traveller was stuck-up on the Gocup road by two armed men, described thus:-

One was a short thick-set man, of about forty years of age, and the other a young man, 5 feet 10 inches high, and about 25 years of age.

On that occasion the elder ruffian robbed the man, and the younger one looked on but said nothing; they got some £25, and although the police were soon after on their track, every clue was lost.

Since that time they have never been heard of until Monday night last, when they stuck-up Mr. W. Piper's farm at Bombolee, the proceedings of which outrage were precisely similar to the one which occurred on the Gocup road.

As far as we have been able to ascertain, the particulars are as follows:-

 At about 7 o'clock on Monday night last, Mrs. Piper and her son were somewhat startled by a man suddenly appearing in the doorway with a piece of black crape, or some such material, tied over the lower part of his face, from the bridge of the nose downwards; and by another face, similarly marked, peering over his shoulder.

On being discovered the foremost man asked whether the master was at home, and on being told by Mrs. Piper that he was not, said, ' Then I'll trouble you to sit still,' and while speaking presented a pair of pistols.

Upon going to search for the money, which be avowed was somewhere in the house, be gave his comrade the arms to hold while standing in the doorway, and then proceeded to search the young man, from whom he took half-a-sovereign; after searching a little longer he discovered a £5-note in a bag, which he also appropriated; then he went into the store-room and brought out two saddles and a three-bushel bag full of wearing apparel, consisting of female's under clothing, and men's coats, waistcoats, and trousers, all of which they took, with a parcel of tea and some sugar, bat subsequently brought the saddles back and laid them on the verandah.

After locking Mrs. Piper and her son in the house, they went away.

Shortly after their departure, young Piper managed to escape from the back window and gave information to the police, who immediately went out to track them, and were so occupied until Tuesday evening, but the rain which had been falling very heavily since the outrage was committed had obliterated all signs of the tracks.

They have however some slight clue which they will follow up, and we hope soon to see these rascals brought to justice.