The Disappearance of Dresser

The Inquirer & Commercial News, Perth

5 February 1897

Butler at Gundagai. The Disappearance of Dresser.

Mr. Montagu S. Macken, ex Government land agent at Gundagai (N.S.W.), says that when the portrait of Butler was published he recognised it as resembling a stranger with a broken nose, wearing a cap, who called at the lands office, some months previously, to inquire for likely prospecting country in the district.

He showed the stranger all the maps, and gave him particulars. Some miners are under the belief that Dresser's body has been placed in an abandoned shaft at Jackalass.

The whole mining community is puzzled over his disappearance.

The country around Gundagai is mountainous, and there would be no difficulty in concealing a body.

Foul play is generally feared regarding Dresser.