The Razor-Back Road  

3 March 1832 The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 

Sir, -

The thanks of the Public and of Government are so justly due to our clever and indefatigable Surveyor-General, for the great zeal and extraordinary abilities he has shown in conducting the new road over Razor-back Mountain, that I cannot help expressing, through the medium of your Gazette, the high sense everyone in this part of the country, who has seen the work, entertains of the expeditious and scientific manner in which it has been carried on.

Whilst such an amazing number of men were formerly employed on the Bathurst and Hunter's River roads, the one over Razor back (which is second in importance to none in the colony; was left in such a deplorable condition, that horses and pack bullocks in many places could scarcely manage to travel; but now, that there is every prospect of its being speedily finished, the joy of the drivers and settlers in the Argyle country seems to be almost unbounded.


A Cypher.

County of Camden, 20th Feb., 1832.

P. S.- Independent of the saving of nine or ten miles in the distance, the new Razor-back road possesses many other advantages.