Talkies Introduced To Tumut 25
November 1930 The Tumut and Adelong Times |
The talkies to be permanently
introduced to Tumut audiences Montreal theatre enterprise In keeping with the advance of the
times, the lessees of the Montreal Theatre, Tumut have decided to introduce
'The Talkies,' and the first screening of a continuous series of a permanent
installation takes place tomorrow and Thursday nights (race nights). Everywhere, where there is a
population sufficiently large, to warrant the heavy expense of installing
'The Talkies,' the establishment of a permanent service has followed, much to
the delight of picture-show patrons, and the financial satisfaction of the
proprietors. It is fervently believed by the
lessees of the Montreal that the public of Tumut and district will appreciate
their launching out on this new venture to the extent of according their
generous support, and thereby make secure for the future this high-class
means of popular entertainment. On the grand opening night (to-morrow)
a rather unique programme is to be presented, including the portrayal by the.
“Queen of the Talkies,” Norma Shearer, of the leading role in “The Last of
Mrs. Cheney,” supported by Nancy Carrol in the
musical extravaganza “Honey,” 'with an extra array of 'shorts.'' |