Tumut Infants' School Delayed

17 October 1950 The Tumut and Adelong Times 

The Minister for Education has informed Mr. W F. Sheahan, M.L.A., as follows with respect to the latter's representations relative to the provision of a new infants' school at Tumut:-

'As you are aware, tenders have been invited on two occasions, but there was no response. I note that. Mr. W. W. Beavan may be prepared to submit a tender later when bricks become available.

In an effort to have this accommodation provided with the minimum of delay, I arranged for the adaptation of other plans for the job.

In view of the fact that the erection of the building has been delayed, I am taking the opportunity of having the plans re-cast to provide more adequately for local development and increased enrolment.

The Government architect has been requested to furnish me with advice at the same time relative to the possibility of meeting the position by the erection of modern prefabricated units.

You may rest assured that I will keep you informed of developments and I am hopeful that, in the not distant future, work on the new school will be commenced.'