Tumut Literary Society

The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle

14 September 1867  

A meeting of persons desirous of re-establishing the Tumut Literary Society was held, pursuant to notice, at Woolley's assembly-room, on Monday evening last.

There was a very fair attendance, principally of the young men of the town. Mr. H. Hilton having been moved to the chair, briefly stated the object of the meeting, when Mr. Weeden at some length reviewed the then defunct society, and ascribed its fall to the want of regularity and proper management.

He then read the rules that governed the Goulburn Literary Society, and thought that they would, with a few amendments, suit the requirements of the Tumut society. Mr. Mc Kenzie imparted some information with respect to the working of the Goulburn society, of which he had been a member, and after giving the result of his experience, it was formally put to the meeting and carried that the Tumut Literary Society should be re-established. All present then enrolled themselves as members.

The number office-bearers was next disused, and ultimately the following gentlemen were elected: President, L. Mandelson Esq., J.P.; vice-president, Mr. Henry Hilton; treasurer, Mr. J. T. V. Walker; secretary, Mr. I. Davis; committee, Messrs. G. Bridle, 'Woolley, Leathem, Vernon Weedon, Mc Kenzie, Haining, and Fitzgerald; auditor, Mr. Elworthy.

The terms of subscription were then decided upon, viz, 12s. per year, payable quarterly in advance. The committee having agreed what evening they should meet to frame the rules and business of the society, a vote of thanks to the chairman was carried by acclamation, and the meeting terminated.

 Tumut Times.